Bradley Atemoya Tree



Atemoyas are a cross between cherimoya and sugar apples. Making them a favorite among true tropical fruit enjoyers. 

The Bradley Atemoya Tree is a easy to care for tree with great disease resistance causing very little problems. Growing to a good size of 15 - 20 feet and can be kept there with proper pruning and has a dense canopy which is great causing it to flower more and giving you the chance to hand pollinate with ease.

The Fruit is of a good size with a great aroma. It is very sweet with some describing it having a piña colada taste with a creamy texture and juicy flesh. When refrigerated it gives a refreshing, fresh, taste that anyone would love.

Tree Details

Tree Size 15 - 20 Feet
Taste Creamy Sweet
Season April - July
Growth Rate Slow - Medium
Fruit Size 2 - 4.5 Lbs.
Sunlight Needs Full Sun
Soil Needs Soil With Excellent Drainage
PH Level Slightly Acidic (5.0 - 6.0)
Production Average
Pollination Requires Hand Pollinization to Fruit
25-32 °F
Zone 9 - 11