Bypass Pruner

$38.05 $45.00

Why should I prune? Pruning helps you structure your tree the way you want it and helps you keep your tree at a manageable size. Pruning also increases tree productivity meaning more fruit for you and your family! Your tree will also have better disease resistance and be in better overall health after pruning.

At Utopia Trees we are always pruning trees to properly structure them so when you receive them they are in the best form possible. For that reason we need pruners that will last. We use Corona MAXFORGED Pruners which always cuts through the thickest of branches.

These Pruners will not only last long but help you in the long run with pruning for when your tree gets too big and you have to prune or for when pruning season comes around. Prepare accordingly with these as they will not let you down and make pruning easy and light.