El Bumpo Cherimoya Tree



 El Bumpo Cherimoya Tree is moderate growing with wide leaves. With minimal care needed and good production habits it tends to be a very reliable tree. Great for shade or if you want to add something "Different' to your backyard this would be a great choice.

The Fruit is renowned for its creamy texture, juicy rich sweetness, and thin bumpy skin. With its bumpy thin skin, this cherimoya is easily recognizable and a customer favorite. Good sized fruit weighing up to 2 lbs. it is great to make into smoothies, drink or just how it is!


Tree Details

Tree Size 15 - 20 Feet
Taste Creamy Sweet
Season November - June
Growth Rate Slow - Medium
Fruit Size 1 - 2 lbs.
Sunlight Needs Full Sun
Soil Needs Soil With Excellent Drainage
PH Level Slightly Acidic (5.0 - 6.0)
Production Average
Pollination Requires Hand Pollinization to Fruit
25-32 °F
Zone 9 - 11