Red Lisa Atemoya Tree



The Red Lisa Atemoya Tree is truly one of a kind. With long dark green leaves and a dense canopy it produces some of the strangest and yummiest fruit. Growing and fruiting well here in SoCal it is very sought out for!

Lisa Atemoya is an unique variety renowned for its striking deep red skin. This atemoya is  juicy and a flavorful fruit with a delightful berry-strawberry taste, and is often referred to as the "Dragon's Egg Fruit". A little chewy and with black seeds it is a very peculiar fruit. As you pick it off the tree it wraps your nose in an amazing aroma.


Tree Details

Tree Size 15 - 20 Feet
Taste Creamy Sweet
Season March - June
Growth Rate Slow - Medium
Fruit Size 2 - 4.5 Lbs.
Sunlight Needs Full Sun
Soil Needs Soil With Excellent Drainage
PH Level Slightly Acidic (5.0 - 6.0)
Production Average
Pollination Requires Hand Pollinization to Fruit
25-32 °F
Zone 9 - 11